When you order today, you'll get a copy of our best-selling Mighty Mindful Kids, our popular Calm Down Corner Wall Printables, and our engaging and fun Calm Down Card set (a $21.00 total value) for only $13.00.
The best way to TEACH your kid's lifelong coping strategies is to have a solid plan in place for making it happen, and the best way to create this plan is to use these amazing resources. Our Mindful Kids bundle is designed to help you do just that!
Please note: These are digital products for you to print on your own. Nothing will be mailed.
Mighty Mindful Kids is the perfect resource (40 pages) for those who want to teach their kids how to minimize stress and anxiety, increase energy and happiness, start seeing the brighter side of life, crush irrational thinking styles, reframe negative thoughts, improve focus and concentration, find solutions to problems and learn practical coping strategies for life's tough moments. If you want to purchase Mighty Mindful Kids on its own,
click here.
A calm-down corner is a place for angry or upset children to go to calm down. They can release anger and engage their minds. These colorful printables will guide your child to understand how they are feeling, process what they did wrong, and reflect on how they could handle the situation better next time. This set also includes a positive manifesto poster. If you want to purchase our calm-down corner printables on their own, click here.
Our wildly popular calm-down cards include 40 calming strategies you can use in a pinch to help children de-escalate from BIG emotions. These cards will teach kids to become aware of how certain emotions feel, teach them to regain a sense of well-being and teach practical coping strategies. If you want to purchase our calm down card set on their own, click here.

This bundle at this price is available for a limited time only. Get yours now.